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Access All Areas was the choice delivery partner for Talent Match North Leicestershire. The Prince’s Trust led project targeted young people who were furthest from employment and facing severe barriers to gain the skills they needed to get into work. Access All Areas were part of a project that supported 25,881 young people in finding work. At the end of the project, almost half of the participants, 41% achieved a job outcome.

Me and My Learning provides a service to those aged 16 years+ by supporting them to become digitally, financially and socially independent in Melton Mowbray. Access All Areas worked in partnership with Melton Borough Council by providing a mental health and employment support service. This involved local employer engagement, individual caseload management and group training sessions.

MBP Melton Behaviour Partnership


 Melton Behaviour Partnership help organise the education of students who can no longer be educated in schools. These are students who are at risk of, or who have been excluded from school. Access All Areas worked with the MBP learners on a ten week video diary program. The course included workshops on self reflection, communication skills and hopes and aspirations.

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